Research Field
We often hear stories such as, “A company on the verge of bankruptcy will recover when the president is replaced,” or “A professional baseball team will win a championship when the manager is changed. Even if you have an intelligent computer, it will not function effectively unless you give it appropriate instructions, just as a winning president or coach would do. This is especially true when there are multiple computers. However, when done well, it can lead to results that exceed the number of computers, just like the wisdom of three men working together. Such a field is called “complex systems,” and our laboratory aims to unravel the mysteries of complex systems.
Members LIST
Information about current lab students, current outside lab students, and alumni/alumnae is listed.

ARLISS Activities
A Rocket Launch for International Student Satellites” is a suborbital (in-atmosphere) launch demonstration experiment of a nanosatellite, CanSat.
Each participating organization launches its own CanSat in the Black Rock Desert in Nevada, U.S.A., and competes in mission accomplishment. Takatama Lab. participates in this event every year.
Lab. PV
Lab. Photos & ARLISS Movies